Graphics card: Minimum resolution 640 × 480 pixels.PC with 1.5 GHz processor (single core).SinuTrain for SINUMERIK Operate Version 4.5 Edition 2 is based on SINUMERIK CNC software with software version 4.5 SP3, and can be used for: Print function for DIN/ISO and ShopTurn/ShopMill machining step programs.Software machine control panel and operator panel.TCP/IP Ethernet networking with machines.Multi-channel programming with programSYNC.ShopTurn/ShopMill machining step programming.
Функции Programming, simulation and printing SinuTrain for SINUMERIK Operate enables completely identical operator control and CNC programming as on SINUMERIK CNCs that are equipped with the graphical user interface SINUMERIK Operate. SinuTrain for SINUMERIK Operate is a PC-based CNC programming software package, based on the original CNC kernel.
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Higher machine availability through work preparation on the CNC programming station and security through offline verification of the programs.SinuTrain for SINUMERIK Operate can be used for the following applications: